
Solar growth sideways?

Solar growth sideways?

The solar business has been developing rapidly since the creation of the solar cell for photovoltaic panels in 1939. The development of any niche is about being aware of the problems it solves, the methods it uses, and the effects and consequences...

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Green Transition Forum 4.0

Green Transition Forum 4.0

We were pleased to be part of the fourth edition of the "Green Transition Forum 4.0" dedicated to the coming into force requirements for EGS. We share with you briefly some of the topics that were on the first day of the conference.Achieving the...

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Intersolar 2024

Intersolar 2024

Our team met associates, clients, and partners during the biggest solar energy event in Europe - Intersolar 2024. The main topics from 19 - 21 June in Munich were: EPC, installation services, O&M practices, and Project development. Intersolar...

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Solar trends in Italy

Solar trends in Italy

Italy limits the installation of solar panels on agricultural land. The new rules are part of a wider package of measures to protect agriculture and fisheries and include a ban on installing photovoltaic systems in areas classified as agricultural....

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Energy of Tomorrow Conference

Energy of Tomorrow Conference

The energy of the future, its efficient use, and its green obtaining - these are just some of the topics that experts from the sector will discuss at the Energy of Tomorrow conference. Elena Pedova, CEO of Evklips Energy, will be presenting at the...

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Consistency leads to progress

Consistency leads to progress

The location is Kalanti, Finland. Low temperatures, plenty of snow, frozen ground with root network. The northern climate and ground conditions are indeed challenging not only for living but also for building a ground solar park. We have been...

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Global prospects for solar

Global prospects for solar

About 1.5 TWdc have been installed globally through 2023; another 3 TWdc of capacity is expected in the next decade. Solar is expected to shift from high growth to a slower-growing, mature industry in 2024. Starting in 2024, the industry is...

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2023 Recap

2023 Recap

With the beginning of the New Year, we are reflecting on the completed goals for the past one - 2023. This was most definitely a challenging year but with a lot of dedication, hard work, and consistency we managed to overcome all obstacles and...

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